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Letters to the Community

Follow-Up to Dr. Nasca’s June 13 Letter to the Community after Supreme Court Decision Regarding College Admissions and Race

In a follow-up to his June 13 Letter to the Community addressing the accreditation implications of the Students for Fair Admissions, Inc v. President and Fellows of Harvard College Supreme Court decision, Dr. Thomas J. Nasca reaffirms the ACGME's commitment to its requirements around diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

A Message from Dr. Thomas J. Nasca

On the eve of the second anniversary of the murder of George Floyd, Dr. Nasca calls on the medical community to "frame this environment of violence as a major public health crisis," and to "work together across health care and with other institutions in our communities to address violence in our society."

A Message from Dr. Thomas J. Nasca During National Volunteer Week

Letter from ACGME President & CEO Dr. Thomas J. Nasca thanking the hundreds of ACGME volunteers who are integral to the work of the ACGME and improving graduate medical education.

Letter to the Community: ACGME Makes Changes in Response to GME Community’s Concerns

Letter from ACGME President & CEO Dr. Thomas J. Nasca describing the changes being implemented to respond to the current environment, balanced with accreditation responsibilities to residents and fellows, patients, and the public.

Update on Dedicated Time Requirements and Reduction of Burden

The ACGME Board approved focused revisions to Section II of the Common Program Requirements related to dedicated time for program directors, assistant/associate program directors, program coordinators, and core faculty members.

A Message from Dr. Thomas J. Nasca

Dr. Nasca responds to the past year's acts of kindness and cruelty, especially in regards to hatred and violence towards communities of color. He calls on the graduate medical education community to advocate for change, fighting against systemic bias, and vows the ACGME will be a model for the profession.

A Message from Dr. Thomas J. Nasca

Dr. Nasca congratulates physicians for facing the pandemic with compassion, respect, knowledge, and little regard for personal safety. He says the medical community's moral and ethical framework can provide common ground for healing societal ills.

A Message from Dr. Thomas J. Nasca

Dr. Nasca addresses racial unrest in the United States and identifies how the ACGME can take on the challenging work required to root out racism and injustice, and foster equity, mutual understanding, kindness, and justice in medicine.

A Letter to the Medical Community from Dr. Thomas J. Nasca

ACGME President and Chief Executive Officer Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP addresses those working in the medical profession in acknowledgement of National Doctors' Day 2020.

The frontlines.

Cartoon by Mike Luckovich of the Atlanta Constitution-Journal. www.ajc.com