Back to Bedside
COMING SOON – Funding Available for Resident- and Fellow-led Projects in 2024!
- New Request for Proposals to Be Released October 2023
- Proposals Will Be Due in February 2024
The Back to Bedside initiative is designed to empower residents and fellows to develop transformative projects that foster meaning and joy in work and allow them to engage on a deeper level with what is at the heart of medicine: their patients. Supported by the ACGME, Back to Bedside provides a competitive funding opportunity for resident- and/or fellow-led teams to innovate. The initiative is also intended to create a learning collaborative of resident-/fellow-led research teams.
Current Funding Cycle
The ACGME is proud to announce the 21 recipients of the third cycle of funding for Back to Bedside, which supports residents’ and fellows’ efforts to increase connection with their patients. View the full list of newly selected Back to Bedside recipients, projects, and team leaders.
New this cycle is a multi-program arm with the intent of studying one previously successful Back to Bedside-funded project and is awarded to Alexander Davidovich, DO and his team from Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai for their project “Engaging Physician Trainees Through Bedside Intensive Care Unit [ICU] Narratives.” Their multi-program arm will expand upon their original project designed to increase contact with patients and their families and improve human-centered care in the ICU.
The third cycle of Back to Bedside presented two options for applicants to consider: single-program projects for resident/fellow leaders and a new multi-program arm that offers a junior faculty member the opportunity to serve as Project Leader while empowering resident/fellow leaders across different settings.
Since the inception of the Back to Bedside initiative, the ACGME has funded more than 80 projects, engaging nearly 200 residents and fellows in innovative projects to enhance their clinical experience and engage more fully with their patients and colleagues.
Watch a video about how previous Back to Bedside participants have collaborated and learned from each other.