Non-Standard Training (NST) Recognition
Non-Standard Training (NST) Recognition
The ACGME will offer Recognition of Sponsoring Institutions that have non-standard training (NST) programs. NST programs provide clinical training for foreign national physicians in advanced subspecialty programs for which there is no ACGME accreditation or American Board of Medical Specialties member board certification. Foreign national physicians receive J-1 visas sponsored by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) to enable their participation in NST programs. NST Recognition will be conferred upon Sponsoring Institutions only and will not be conferred upon individual NST programs.
Recognition of Non-Standard Training for Exchange Visitor (J-1) Physicians to Transition to the ACGME
ACGME Requirements and Review Process
The ACGME Board of Directors approved the NST Recognition Requirements, which set forth minimum standards for Sponsoring Institutions with NST programs, at its February 2022 meeting. The Institutional Review Committee makes decisions on recognition for ACGME-accredited Sponsoring Institutions with NST programs. Sponsoring Institutions are required to maintain ACGME accreditation without an adverse accreditation status to be eligible for NST Recognition.
NST Recognition Application
New program applications must use the online application process within the Accreditation Data System (ADS).
Application Fee The fee for processing applications for Sponsoring Institutions with one to three NST programs is $2,500. The fee for Sponsoring Institutions with four or more NST programs is $5,000. This fee is invoiced at the time the application is received.
Annual Fees The annual fee for NST Recognition of Sponsoring Institutions with one to three programs is $2,500. The fee for NST Recognition of Sponsoring Institutions with four or more programs is $5,000. This annual fee is billed January 1 of each year.
Finance Charges Application fees are invoiced monthly, and payment is due within 30 days. Annual fees are invoiced in the middle of December with a date of January 1, and payment is due within 60 days. There is a 1.5 percent finance charge assessed for late payment of all fees.
For questions about Institutional Recognition and Non-Standard Training programs, please contact:
Institutional Review Committee Members and Staff
For questions about the Exchange Visitor Program, contact:
Tracy Wallowicz, MLS