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October 10, 2022

October 10, 2022

NEW! Networking Opportunities

The Annual Educational Conference will bring together graduate medical education (GME) professionals for valuable networking opportunities, allowing all attendees to get the most out of their time at the conference, while making new and lasting connections!

Networking Spotlight: Marvin R. Dunn Welcoming Poster Reception and Exhibitor Kick-Off
The first evening of the conference will include live country music and several activities. The Exhibit Hall will feature a wide range of vendors offering the latest information on technology and educational software, simulation technology, patient management solutions, and more. More than 75 posters will highlight the latest on research and innovations in GME.

Sign up to be notified once registration opens

Email questions to acgmeconference@acgme.org.

NEW! The National Academy of Medicine(NAM) Publishes National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being

Last week, NAM published the National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being, laying out a path forward to improving health worker well-being and supporting a health system under serious pressure from burnout, exacerbated by the pandemic. The ACGME is proud to have contributed to this publication as part of NAM’s Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience, which is co-chaired by ACGME President and Chief Executive Officer Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP. ACGME Chief of Staff and Chief Education Officer Timothy P. Brigham, MDiv, PhD serves as co-chair and co-lead of the Action Collaborative’s Working Group on Navigating the Impacts of COVID-19 on Clinician Well-Being.

The National Plan visualizes that, when all actors take responsibility, a health system in which care is delivered joyfully and with meaning by a committed care team in partnership with engaged patients and communities can be created. The Plan identifies a range of actions for the near-, medium-, and long-term to achieve seven priority areas for health workforce well-being, clearly naming associated goals and responsible actors. Access the full National Plan at nam.edu/NationalPlan to learn more about the priority areas for action.

NEW! ACGME Announces 2023 Award Winners

The ACGME is proud to announce the 2023 recipients of the ACGME Awards, which recognize the strength, innovation, and commitment to the GME community displayed by the honorees each year. The winners will be formally recognized at the 2023 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, being held in Nashville, Tennessee February 23-25, 2023.

Read the full list of award winners in the ACGME Newsroom, in a release that also includes exciting information about a new award.

Congratulations, again, to all of the exceptional winners of the 2023 ACGME Awards!

NEW! ACGME Publishes 2021-2022 Data Resource Book

The ACGME Data Resource Book is the most comprehensive and reliable resource of its kind, including data on the size, scope, and distribution of GME in the US. The data in this book cover the time period of July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022. The full 2021-2022 Data Resource Book can be found on the ACGME website.

The tables and figures in this year's edition include these sections: Program Accreditation; Program Characteristics; Resident Characteristics; Graduating Residents and Residents Leaving Prior to Completion; Sponsoring Institutions; Participating Sites; Program Directors and Faculty; and Program Activities.

*Note: "Residents" refers to both residents and fellows in the book.

NEW! A Look Back at the Past Year with the 2021-2022 ACGME Annual Report

The 2021-2022 ACGME Annual Report theme, New Frontiers, highlights how the ACGME has focused, both internally/operationally, and externally through partnerships and with the broad GME community, to prepare GME for the future. The Annual Report shines a spotlight on the immeasurable work of the ACGME, its employees, and its volunteers, and reflects on how the last year and the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic can inform how the organization prepares for the future.

This Annual Report describes how the ACGME has been responding to the present while laying the foundation to support what comes next, all the while keeping the ACGME Mission in sharp focus.

This year’s report includes a dedication to DeWitt C. Baldwin Jr., MD, who spent the last 14 years of his career as a Senior Scholar-In-Residence at the ACGME.

Read the full report on the ACGME website.

Deadline to Submit CLER Blackout Weeks is October 26, 2022

The window for submitting blackout weeks for CLER visits is open through October 26, 2022. Sponsoring Institutions can block off dates in the time highlighted below, and can submit up to four blackout weeks during this period.

  • October 1-26: Submit requests for January-March 2023

Future Windows for Entering Blackout Weeks

  • January 1-26: Submit requests for April-June 2023
  • April 1-26: Submit requests for July-September 2023
  • July 1-26: Submit requests for October-December 2023

To enter blackout dates in the Accreditation Data System (ADS), click here. Review more information and common questions/answers regarding CLER blackout weeks here.

Email questions to CLER@acgme.org.

Milestones Quality Assurance Survey

The ACGME has incorporated quality assurance as a part of the Milestones and requests participation in gathering feedback. This process will start with a five-minute survey for those actively involved in program leadership or serving as a member of their program's Clinical Competency Committee. Over the next few years, the ACGME will collect feedback about the new Milestones through a combination of focus groups and surveys.

Complete the Survey

Responses will be accepted until October 28, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. Central

NEW! Institutional Requirements Related to Leaves of Absence

The Institutional Review Committee (IRC) is implementing tje new institutional requirements related to medical, parental, and caregiver leaves of absence for residents/fellows, which became effective July 1, 2022. Sponsoring Institutions may be cited for non-compliance starting July 1, 2023.

Sponsoring Institutions facing difficulty in addressing the new requirements may request up to a one-year extension (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024) for implementation. An extension will be granted only if a Sponsoring Institution provides a valid rationale concerning financial hardship or regulatory constraints, and a plan to comply with the requirements by the end of the extension period. Sponsoring Institutions must inform residents/fellows and applicants invited to interview of the extension request.

The form, Extension Request Form for Implementing Institutional Requirements IV.H.1.a-f), can be found on the Documents and Resources page of the IRC section of the ACGME website. It must be submitted by October 30, 2022 for consideration. 

Email the completed form to irc@acgme.org.

NEW! ADS Guidance for Appointment of a New Director of Osteopathic Education

This new reference document will assist programs in indicating the appointment of a new Director of Osteopathic Education in ADS, to ensure all required information is provided. It is now available on the Osteopathic Recognition page of the ACGME website.

NEW! JGME Annual Call for New Ideas Submissions 2023

JGME seeks novel GME interventions or assessments that have been implemented at least once and appear successful in preliminary evaluations. Read the full criteria here.

The submission deadline is Monday, October 17, 2022.

NEW! Articles of the Week

Effects of Longitudinal Coaching on Relationships and Feedback Processes in Pediatric Subspecialty Fellowships—An Interpretive Description Study
Priya G. Jain, MD, MEd; Mary E. McBride, MD, MEd; Anne Caliendo, MSEd;
Walter Eppich, MD, PhD
In modern medical education, feedback processes are no longer viewed as one-way endeavors. Rather, educators increasingly focus on how learners receive, process, and respond to feedback. Using semi-structured interviews with pediatrics fellows, faculty coaches, and program directors, this study aims to better understand how coaches help fellows engage with and grow from feedback and how longitudinal coaching relationships promote feedback processes.

Diagnostic Reasoning of Resident Physicians in the Age of Clinical Pathways
Morgan Congdon, MD, MPH, MSEd; Caitlin B. Clancy, MD; Dorene F. Balmer, PhD; Hannah Anderson, MBA; Naveen Muthu, MD, MSCE;
Christopher P. Bonafide, MD, MSCE; Irit R. Rasooly, MD, MSCE
Recent trends in health care delivery have introduced challenges to a more traditional process of diagnostic reasoning development, raising concerns about the impact of “clinical pathways” on the ways in which residents elicit, synthesize, and communicate key information during patient encounters. This qualitative study of pediatrics residents asks the question, “How do residents perceive the tradeoffs between clinical pathways and diagnostic reasoning?”

Program Directors Patient Safety and Quality Educators Network: A Learning Collaborative to Improve Resident and Fellow Physician Engagement
Robin Wagner, RN, MHSA; Kevin B. Weiss, MD; Linda A. Headrick, MD;
Anne Gravel Sullivan, PhD; Elizabeth R. Clewett, PhD; Deborah Smith Clements, MD; Timothy P. Brigham, MDiv, PhD; Sanjeev Arora, MD
The Program Directors Patient Safety and Quality Educators Network was initiated in June 2018 to advance the capacity of program directors and their faculty members to develop, model, and evaluate resident and fellow engagement in patient safety/quality improvement. This report in the ACGME News and Views section of the journal describes the initiative’s work with two key partners, The Organization of Program Director Associations and Project ECHO.

To learn more about ACGME News and Views articles, read the latest post in the "Journal Notes" series on the ACGME Blog.

ACGME Seeks Public Member

The following Review Committee seeks its next public member for a six-year term beginning July 1, 2023. Public members share the perspective of the public, foster public accountability, enrich the work of the Review Committee through outside expertise, and create transparency. While nominees cannot be physicians, other health care professionals are permitted if they are not employed by an organization with ACGME-accredited residency or fellowship programs.

Details: Additional information is available on the Documents and Resources page of the Transitional Year section of the ACGME website.
Contact: Aimee Morales
Deadline: November 1, 2022

Career Opportunities

The ACGME is always interested in finding talented, dedicated individuals to join the organization and support its mission to improve health care and population health by assessing and enhancing the quality of resident and fellow physicians' education through advancements in accreditation and education.

View Open Positions