Call for Sessions Information
Share your expertise with the GME community!
The Call for Sessions for the 2024 ACGME Annual Educational Conference is closed.
Each year, the ACGME solicits proposals for sessions to be presented at the Annual Educational Conference. Below is key information for those considering submitting a session proposal.
The 2023 ACGME Annual Educational Conference hosted more than 4,000 attendees from across graduate medical education (GME).
- Designated Institutional Officials (DIO)
- Educational Researchers
- Faculty Members
- GME Directors
- GME Support Staff (Non-Program Coordinator Role)
- Hospital Administration/C-Suite/Leadership
- Institutional Coordinators/Administrators/Managers
- Program Coordinators/Administrator/Managers
- Program Directors
- Residents/Fellows
- And other roles in GME
When does the Call for Sessions open?
The Call for Sessions submission portal opens in May for the upcoming year’s conference. Specific dates each year will be announced in the ACGME’s weekly e-Communication, on www.acgme.org, and on the ACGME’s social media accounts.
Session proposals are solicited for the Annual Educational Conference’s concurrent sessions and for the Coordinator Forum Full-Day Course. Coordinator-specific content should be submitted for the Coordinator Forum Full-Day Course; content applicable to all members of the GME community should be submitted for the Annual Educational Conference concurrent sessions.
Who should submit a proposal?
Members of the GME community who manage programs or institutions or educate residents and fellows. Sessions are typically submitted by DIOs, faculty members, hospital administration/C-suite/leadership, institutional coordinators/administration, program directors, program coordinators, residents, and fellows.
What topics should proposals address?
Topics can address accreditation; education; assessment; well-being; diversity, equity, and inclusion; crisis management; current issues in medicine; and other GME-related best practices and innovations.
Proposals should be engaging and display creativity and innovation in areas that meet the needs of the GME community. Applicants should rely on their expertise, and collaboration across programs and/or institutions is encouraged!
For what types of sessions can proposals be submitted?
- Workshop (fully interactive, limited attendance)
- Didactic session (lecture-based but with interactive elements, unlimited attendance)
What is needed for submission of a session proposal?
- The bios, headshots, and presenting experience of all presenters.
- Contact information for each presenter (name, degree(s), email, institution, job title, work address, work and mobile phone numbers); maximum of four presenters per session.
Note: All session proposals go through a blind selection process, but personal identifiers should be removed from the submission in the areas below. - Session title (limit 90 characters, including spaces)
- Session plan – lay out how session time will be used (limit 1,500 characters, including spaces)
- Session objectives – list one to three session objectives (limit 1,500 characters, including spaces)
- Session description (one paragraph; limit 1,500 characters, including spaces)
- Identify target audience based on the attendee role or title for concurrent submissions and the coordinator type and experience for Coordinator Forum submissions.
- If submitting a proposal for a concurrent session: identify up to three topics from the suggested topics list on the conference home page that align with the content of the proposed session.
More information will be available when the Call for Sessions opens for the 2025 Annual Educational Conference.
Sample Proposal Annual Educational Conference Concurrent Sessions
Sample Proposal Coordinator Forum
Direct questions to:
Annual Educational Conference: acgmeconference@acgme.org
Coordinator Forum: coordinatorforum@acgme.org
The ACGME does not endorse any products or services provided by outside vendors. Therefore, promotions or advertisements of any kind are not allowed in educational sessions. Discussion must be limited to desired operational solutions with no mention of proprietary products.