The ACGME is a private, 501(c)(3), not-for-profit organization that sets standards for US graduate medical education (residency and fellowship) programs and the institutions that sponsors them, and renders accreditation decisions based on compliance with these standards. In academic year 2021-2022, there were approximately 871 ACGME-accredited institutions sponsoring approximately 12,740 residency and fellowship programs in 182 specialties and subspecialties. Accreditation is achieved through a voluntary process of evaluation and review based on published accreditation standards. ACGME accreditation provides assurance that a Sponsoring Institution or program meets the quality standards (Institutional and Program Requirements) of the specialty or subspecialty practice(s) for which it prepares its graduates. ACGME accreditation is overseen by a Review Committee made up of volunteer specialty experts from the field that set accreditation standards and provide peer evaluation of Sponsoring Institutions and specialty and subspecialty residency and fellowship programs.
- Advancing Innovation in Residency Education (AIRE)
- Clinical Experience and Education formerly Duty Hours
- Common Program Requirements
- Institutional Application Process
- Medically Underserved Areas and Populations
- Milestones
- New Specialty or Subspecialty Proposals
- Program Application Information
- Program Directors' Guide to the Common Program Requirements
- Review and Comment
- Self-Study
- Site Visit
- Single GME Accreditation System

Well-Being in the Time of COVID-19
The unprecedented challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic are testing the GME community’s individual and collective resilience in the face of crisis. The ACGME created and curated this suite of resources that promote well-being, mitigate stress, and prevent burnout during this pandemic.